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Showing posts from December, 2013

The importance of having regular retrospectives

Over a period of time retrospectives because a mundane task and teams starts skipping this, some of the patterns I have observed. Do a retrospective for 2-3 sprints Repeat the pattern of retrospectives without any value addition to the team  Not doing the retrospectives at all.  Before the question of skipping retrospectives (or not doing altogether) arises we have to understand what we are trying to accomplish with retrospectives. Agile methodology thrives on inspect and adapt process. We continuously observe and make changes in our process for continuous improvement. Retrospective is the key event which facilitates this. There is no benefit in doing retrospectives without understanding this core principle. There is no value in forcing this down the team if they don’t understand the core benefits. They should see some value for time they spend on this. It shouldn't be because the process dictates or because the scrum master wants it. If this is not happening then do a retr

Why should i change

My agile coach forwarded this picture to me. This one of the best picture which explains the agile principles  We believe that we are delivering great software. and we don’t have to change because Our coding standards are great  We don’t have to improve our process  We don’t have to talk to other teams or people  Scrum Masters believe that they don't have to challenge the teams because they are delivering  and they don't have to improve anything We don’t have to  bring issues to management  We don’t have to suggest improvement ideas to others because it doesn't affect us. Some of these dialogues happen because we think that the equilibrium we see today will remain like that forever. Even if we don’t change anything inside  the outside  environment will change  and it will affect us badly. When such change comes we will be like dinosaurs, it will wipe us out. The beauty of agile is continuous improvement, if we became stale or stop that then there is